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The Last Battle 1993 - La última batalla mexican film

While a gang of preteen boys was skinny dipping in the river, an old vagabond stole all their wears. So as not to be mocked, the naked children, covering themselves with the leaves, someways get to their houses. After this disgrace, they create a plan on getting even with an old tramp, and they are getting ready for revenge. Both sides show extraordinary smartness in the ways of both attack and defense. The challenge is increasing and going to its inevitable ending - The Last Battle!  Magnificent Mexican film for both children and adults.

Mientras una pandilla de niños preadolescentes estaba flaco sumergiéndose en el río, un viejo vagabundo se robó todas sus ropas. Para no ser burlados, los niños desnudos, cubriéndose con las hojas, de alguna manera llegan a sus casas. Después de esta desgracia, crean un plan para vengarse de un viejo vagabundo, y se están preparando para la venganza. Ambas partes muestran una extraordinaria inteligencia en las formas de ataque y defensa. El desafío va en aumento y llega a su inevitable final: ¡La última batalla! Magnífica película mexicana para niños y adultos.

Sunday Dinner with the Morgans 2014

Morgans — a perfect family, as from the picture. Ian is the authoritative head of the family, and his loving wife Cassandra is a typical housewife. Their children are Jenna, a girl obedient and talented in music, and Timmy, an intelligent boy beyond his years. Morgans look like the ideal family of the 90s. But what is hidden behind all this STORY?


Man of the House 2015 short film

This film tells about deprivation, loneliness, sadness, and the power found in boyhood. 
The story of 12-year-old Ben is about the decline of his family. Despite pain and sorrow the young boy has to be strong to take mature responsibilities that transfer him from childhood to adultness.