
Comedy (15) Drama (41) FF (1) Horror (2) Lang CZ (3) Lang DE (6) Lang DK (2) Lang EN (13) Lang ES (10) Lang FR (8) Lang IT (2) Lang NO (2) Lang PL (1) Lang PT (3) Lang Ru (3) Rare (27) SF (4) Shorts (28) Sport (1) Subs AR (4) Subs DE (32) Subs EN (50) Subs ES (27) Subs FR (33) Subs IT (8) Subs JP (18) Subs PT (30) Subs RU (12) TV series (1)


Agostino (1962) Italian film

“Agostino (1962)” is an Italian film based on a book that was first published in 1944. Agostino is 13-year-old boy who spends his summer holidays in Venice alone with his mother. She is a wealthy, beautiful widow and is very popular with local men. Agostino feels betrayed when his mother strikes up an acquaintance with one of the local gigolos.
Language: Italian. Subtitles: English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese.


Bienaventurados 2012 – Argentina short film

The short film “Bienaventurados (2012)” is touching expression of love. Two brothers and mother. A long distance trip. And the prey in front of Lujan's Mary Mother of God statue. The cinematography is superb. The lovely freshness of the performances. As well as the air of the journey. It's a simple story with a big impact. Concerning faith. And there's love. And the impact of two boys on the planet.

Aqualorius (2009) Danish short film

Twenty years ago, two children disappeared from the primary school pool. Since then, there has been a legend about a terrible monster living at the bottom of the pool. Some kids believe in this legend, some do not. Someone hears some kind of noise when there is no one in the pool, someone even sees something. Lars is sure that everything that is told about this monster is true. The fact that he cannot overcome fear and swim in the pool with other guys makes him a laughing stock and an object of bullying. But he's in secret love with a girl who is older than him, and besides, the girlfriend of James - the biggest bully in the school. In class, he writes letters to her but does not give them back. And unfortunately, one of these letters falls into the hands of James. Lars has a hard choice: either he takes out a coin lying there from the depths of the pool, or the contents of the letter will be known to everyone... Language: Danish. Subtitles: English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Japanese


Ti kniver i hjertet (1994) - Cross My Heart and Hope to Die film

“Ti kniver i hjertet (1994)” is rare Norwegian coming-of-age drama. Unlike virtually everyone else in town, Otto's family is not going away for the summer vacation. His parents are unable to afford it. He is alone until he is approached by an older mystery stranger named Frank. Otto learns to see the world of the grownups around him because he has no peers his age. Otto begins to see the world differently after his father's accident, finding a corpse in the lake, and witnessing his mother in a dubious scenario with Frank. Language: Norvegian.
Subtitles: English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese.

“Fix you (2016)” short film with subs

"“Fix you (2016)”" is short film about young boy Jack who passes out while playing and requires shock treatment to resuscitate him.
Language: English. Subtitles: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese.


Big Adventure (1969) - La gran aventura – Mexican movie

The film “La Gran Aventura (1969)" tells the narrative of Pepe and Juanito, two young brothers, and their dog. The title of the film is accurate, as the entire film is a big funny boy adventure. Chasing the dog, the boys break out of church, and from that point on, they are all on the run, encountering problems every minute of the movie. The film Big Adventure Boy is a lot of fun and has a terrific Mexican flavor.
Language: Spanish. Subtitles: English, German, French, Portuguese

My queen Karo (2009) movie with subtitles

“My Queen Karo (2009)” is a film set in the 1970s hippie culture. It follows the lives of a young girl and her parents in Amsterdam squatters. Nothing is certain after 10-years-old Karo and her parents Raven and Dalia join a squatter’s settlement on the Amsterdam Wallen to live a life without limits. Raven begins a relationship with a fellow activist shortly after, while Dalia tries to establish a life for herself. The community has its problems, such as striving to stay afloat without being evicted. Karo must navigate her way through the chaos. The film is an autobiographically inspired, delicate coming-of-age story of a little girl that is both touching and humorous. Language: Flemish Dutch French. Subtitles: English, Portuguese, French Watch full playlist here