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Aqualorius (2009) Danish short film

Twenty years ago, two children disappeared from the primary school pool. Since then, there has been a legend about a terrible monster living at the bottom of the pool. Some kids believe in this legend, some do not. Someone hears some kind of noise when there is no one in the pool, someone even sees something. Lars is sure that everything that is told about this monster is true. The fact that he cannot overcome fear and swim in the pool with other guys makes him a laughing stock and an object of bullying. But he's in secret love with a girl who is older than him, and besides, the girlfriend of James - the biggest bully in the school. In class, he writes letters to her but does not give them back. And unfortunately, one of these letters falls into the hands of James. Lars has a hard choice: either he takes out a coin lying there from the depths of the pool, or the contents of the letter will be known to everyone... Language: Danish. Subtitles: English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Japanese

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